Sectors and activities | Agronomist Consultation Service
Sector activities
Studio Tovaglieri offers the consultation service of a specialist who can be called in emergencies, who in turn, will send out skilled specialists to resolve the problem. Thanks also to the efficient and rapid work offered by the agricultural analysis laboratory, this service is able to find solutions to problems and indicate the interventions to be implemented or which operators are able to act promptly.
This is one of Studio Tovaglieri’s most commonly requested service and has been guaranteed and carried out with success and satisfaction for more than 25 years.

Carlo Fornara
- Agrotecnico con grande esperienza in campo a 360 gradi.
- Risoluzione operativa di problematiche nutrizionali e fitosanitarie.
- Trattamenti endoterapici in arboricoltura.
- Progettazione e realizzazione di impianti di irrigazione.
- Consulenza tecnico-operativa al professionista e al privato.